Keep positive

Eavning walk through brussels
Who would have thought that life is easy?
Why did you think as a young child that growing up would be so fun and exciting? 
I can imagine that the human race need to be kept busy in order to not focus on the negative things in our lives. We were build to work, to think, well.. to live our lives.
The problem with me is that I want to do so many things before it is tolate (with that I mean before I get too old), but it only stresses me up and I end up doing nothing. I need structure and diciplin - do one thing at the time. It is an old habit, I need to do as many things at possible and be as perfect as it can be. But I am not capable to do it, it is very few that do.
People say that it will always be a new day tomorrow.

The birthdayparty

Man, I am not good when it comes to taking pictures of people. I always trying to be discrete and take as few pictures as possible so people won't be annoyed. So I end up with having very few and blurry pictures. 
Well here is the result of the few pictures I took and that looked good aswell. (By the way, it was excellent food I think that was the best part of the whole eavning)

Birthday party!

My outfit for tonight
In a couple of minutes we are going to John's parents place to celebrate his and his dads birthday. I feel very excited because we are going to have sushi, lamm and chocolate cake. Mmm...
Anyways I don't have so much to say for now, so I see you next time!

Should I or should I not?

You guys? I need a piece of advise here..
I don't know if I should give up the blogging thing since I rarely blog anyways? The thing is when I do it, I enjoy it so much. It makes me happy, it gives me inspiration, it's telling about my life.
The problem is, like I said before, that I don't always have the time or the inspiration.
So what do you think?
Should I continue even the risk of me only blogging like twice a month? Or should I give it a break?

Previous weekend

Good eavning to you!
For once it was some good weather last weekend. The sun was shining and a light breezing wind was passing by. Very unusual for Belgium I have to say. Therefor I couldn't hold myself inside so me and John went out for a nice walk in the park.
And for buying some waffles...

I miss home

Oh Mexico, how I miss you.
I am starting to feel very homesick right now. I miss my family, I miss swedish traditions, I miss my home and I miss my cat. Luckily it is not so far away now, but until then I have some hard studying ahead of me.

Muffins in the microwave

Sweets, you can never have too much sweets.
My cravings for sweets come and goes (I am a sweed, it is higly important in the diet to have sweets) and living without a oven makes it almost impossible to bake anything by yourself.
So I started to look if there was any chance to make some sweet goodies without an oven and what I found was Micro muffins! Hurray I thought! Only 3 min away in the microwave to have some hot muffins..
And this is how it turned out:
 I have no electrical-wisk and no real measuring cups
("hint hint" for christmas-presents..)
Here in belgium they have the cutest mini-butters I have ever seen!
(Do they have this is sweden?)
Hand whisking egg and sugar is though!
 Chop chop chop..
Here I mixed cinnemon, sugar and apples together.
I decided in the end making 2 batches: One with apples and the other without.
Just in case if they would turn bad
My first attempt turned out like this. 
I think I had to much batter in the cupcakes forms..
Second attempt was alot better! 
However  the recommended 3 min is a little bit too long. They became dry in the middle.
And here you can see the diffirence.
The one to the left is with apples and the one to the right is without.
My conclusion: 
+ Easy to make
+ Only takes 20 min or less until you have some fresh muffins
+ Very entertaining to watch it rise in the microwave
− Doesn't tastes just as good as they do when they come from the oven
For the full recipe in swedish, klick here.


For some reason I am suffering from "season-depression", I think. Because I have had the same problem for some years now. Therefor it is hard for me to blog about anything right now. I don't feel like blogging about the sad parts in my life, I want the good ones to shine through. Of course this "depression" come and goes, so sometimes I will feel better.
I want to point out that I am doing okay. It is just the stress over my life that time is going to fast and I don't know how I should handle it the best.
Anyways, thanks for understanding. =)
Picture from mexico

My day routine

If there is something that I don't get it is where all the time goes.
My daily routine is basicly like this:
› Wakes up at 08:30
› Start school at 10.00 (takes 25 min to walk from home)
› Stop school at 16.00
› Home between 16.30 - 17.00 (depending if I do grocerys)
› Checks mails, facebook, posts from school quickly
› Start studying 17.30 
› Start to fix dinner at 19.00
› Dinner time (as soon I am done)
› Relaxing between 30-60 min from starting eating
› From 20.30 or 21.00 I start studying again
› Bed time at 22.30 or 23.00
Somewhere around my breaks I should have time for some blogging but my brain is so exhausted from school and all I want to do is relax. I even feel sad over how little photos I take nowdays. During this weekend we were at John's aunts place, but I didn't take any pictures unfortunally. 
Feels like I am growing up way too quickly since I don't have the free time as I used to.
Old pictures from this summer.

Hard work

Long time no see don't you think?
I have been busy with my mind, life and work. And like my mom always say: "As long I don't hear anything from you, I assume everything is fine." Which is kind of true.
So what have happened for me now lately? Well, I will tell you everything in the short version:
• My knee has been healing fine since last I wrote a post about it. I can finally walk normally again and it is a nice crust protecting it. So, thank you for all the advices!
• I had a nervous break-down when it came to my studies. Almost not knowing any dutch is a huge challenge to actually understand what you are doing in class. Luckely with some support from family and John I will still give it a try.
• I had some really strong coffie at my friends place which led to nausea and a lot of shaking.
• John and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary last saturday with some friends at our regular sushi place and then we took a drink at an irish bar. 
 PE = Psychologie en educatiewetenschappen
Now it is time for a shower, tomorrow I will go with some friends for some free breakfast at the school! See you next time!


 Why is things like this happening to me? And most of all, why now?
Let me tell you a little story of what happened to me yesterday evening.
I have just finished school and was about to say good bye to my friend before we went to our own homes. As soon as I turned around to walk home my brain was realizing I was falling. I tried to get control of my feet but it didn't work and the next second I was on the ground.
I know this story sound a bit blurry, but I hardly know what happened for myself. I think tumbled over the cobblestone street (kullerstensgata) after I walked on the "normal" asphalt. It happened so fast, I was just shocked when I was on the ground with burning pain on my knee and on my hands.
It is little tragic to write this on my blog, but I also need help from you what to do about my knee?
What I have done so far is that i have cleaned it with water, disinfected it and then put a bandage. This morning I took it off to let it breathe and now it has become a crust (look at the last picture). I have also troubles bending my knee since it feels like a huge bruise, so in other words I have troubles walking.
What else should I do? Or not do? Please leave a comment or e-mail me over your answers, it would help me out a lot!
I hate the fact that I have to buy new jeans after this accident.. :(

Getting settled

Hours after hours had we built diffirent kind of furnitures and it never seem to end.
You really have to read the instructions from IKEA carefully so you wouldn't have to do everything from scratch again. However we did a great job and I am very satisfied over how it turned out!
The final result of the apartment will be shown here soon!

Apartment before

I know that some of you have asked me to show some pictures of our apartment and here it is! Well, this is the apartment without furnitures (will show them in another post) but I thought it could be interesting too!

A day at IKEA

I don't know if I am just getting older or if I am just into furnitures and decorations. Every time I enter IKEA it feels like I am in a fairytale. I get so much inspiration and start dreaming about how my perfect apartment/house will look like in the future.
Unfortunally we didn't have that much time on IKEA so I just took some quick photos while we were there. However we got to eat some swedish food with meatballs, brownsauce, lingonsylt and some fries. Yea okay, the fries is not so swedish but it was pretty tasty anyways!

Hello sickness

Here I am laying in my bed, exhausted by the small amount of sleep I got from yesterday night. My body was aching, my head was pounding because of my horrible headache and I caughed and sneezed every 5-10 min or so. Uuuah! Absoloutly horrible!
I think I should try to go to my last lesson I have today, already missed one and feel bad enough for that. Good thing that I only had two lessons today but they are pretty long so I will probably faint on the bed when I come back home.
Instead of showing you a red-nosed girl with messy hair, here is some before-and-after pictures since my sister helped me dye my hair. Pretty happy with the result, thank you siss!

New beginning

Hello there people!
I have the announcement to tell you that from now on my blog will be completely in english. Since I realised my swedish didn't work out on this blog I thought I might just as well practise on my english. My vocabulary needs to get better now when I am reading psychology in dutch at university. Yea I know it is kind of pointless to write in english if I need to learn dutch, but you know, you always need a back-up plan if you need to explain things in english.
Anyways I will be back with more blogposts like the way it used to. This time I might be a little more busy with studies, so it may not be something every single day.
Ps. Feel free to still comment in swedish!

Taking a bath

Att ta sena bad är ibland det bästa. Då kan man sitta och fundera/prata en stund och bara koppla av. 
(Blogginlägget blev lite random, men jag kanske kan förklara i ett annat inlägg)
God natt!


Time to do some experiments..
Äntligen har man införskaffat Photoshop CS6! Det har bara tagit mig över ett år pga. min lathet (egentligen är det mer frustation över att jag inte förstår hur man installerar det), men nu ska man börja lära sig lite om det - kanske blir nästa frustation, haha!
Nästa utmaning blir att rensa datorn som ni kan se på den översta bilden, ehrm...


God kväll på er!
Jag har ni äntligen tagit mig i akt med att ta bilder på vad jag shoppade under den helgen då Linnea kom över. Det är egentligen inget speciellt som så det var bara roligt att ta kort på det :)
Love the clock-neckless! Feels so retro :)
Wuuaah, this is like a drug to me - always need more.
Look at the size diffirence..
Shoes & nailpolish is from H&M
The hair accecories and the neckless is from Claire's

Oh my god!

I am so happy so i can cry!
Åh jag har världens bästa nyhet att berätta - jag har fått sommarjobb på Ica i Norrfjärden!
Jag fick reda på det idag när han gjorde en kort intevju om varför jag ville ha jobbet och till min förvåning så sa han att mina svar var mycket bättre än förväntat! Jag trodde aldrig att jag skulle få jobbet och fastän det kanske inte är det mest exklusiva jobbet så är det ändå ett jobb där jag kan få in pengar :) Det är vad jag är glad för!

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