Cinderella trailer

OMG! The new cinderella trailer has just came out! And wow, do I love it (especially the dress, hehe). 

Kids and candy

It is not always easy when your parents "eats" your candy.. Luckily some kids take the news surprisingly well though.

Sleepy cats and dogs

 We are all sleepy time to time..

Birthday - Katy Perry

This is one of my songs that I constantly have on replay and start dancing to like crazy. Also, this video is so funny with Katy perry where she dresses up as different people attending to birthday parties and let just say that she is not being the best entertainer..
 The love I have for Katy Perry and her music. ♥
Speaking of birthday, tomorrow I am going over to celebrate John's grandpa's birthday. A lot a people is coming so I need to dress up in something cool. Yes, the summer is back here in Belgium! Almost got sunburned today because it is so hot.
And in two more weeks I am going to celebrate my aunt. WOHO!

Be unique

We have all complexes about our bodies, wether we think/have wrinkles or a pouting belly. There is no "perfect ideal" like in the magazines that many of us think. I have, myself, problems with not comparing me with others, but after watching this video I started to think a little different..

Kittens on the Beat

Are you wondering why you are missing socks in your drawer? Check out this video to find out how! You are going to be wanting a cat after this.
Okay, I am just kidding with you, but the video is kind of cool! I dunno why but I can watch it over and over again. Maybe I am amazed by how cool the animation, the slow motion effects and of course, the cats ;)

Bad humor when you are tired

This is what you end up watching when you are tired and want to do something else than studying..