My day routine

If there is something that I don't get it is where all the time goes.
My daily routine is basicly like this:
› Wakes up at 08:30
› Start school at 10.00 (takes 25 min to walk from home)
› Stop school at 16.00
› Home between 16.30 - 17.00 (depending if I do grocerys)
› Checks mails, facebook, posts from school quickly
› Start studying 17.30 
› Start to fix dinner at 19.00
› Dinner time (as soon I am done)
› Relaxing between 30-60 min from starting eating
› From 20.30 or 21.00 I start studying again
› Bed time at 22.30 or 23.00
Somewhere around my breaks I should have time for some blogging but my brain is so exhausted from school and all I want to do is relax. I even feel sad over how little photos I take nowdays. During this weekend we were at John's aunts place, but I didn't take any pictures unfortunally. 
Feels like I am growing up way too quickly since I don't have the free time as I used to.
Old pictures from this summer.


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