Summer and hard decisions

The summer vibes has come back to Belgium for some reason. So wearing jeans and/or a jacket is a big NO-NO. 
In other news, we have looked up a dutch course for me that I can join, but was really nothing that I expected. It is far away, it costs a lot of money and so on. I am starting to feel so tired that everything has to be so difficult because no matter what I choose it doesn't really feel right. 
I just want to make the right decision that can make me the most happy.

Sis säger:

"Det är i motvind draken flyger."
Kanske kan alla svårigheter lära dig flyga, så länge du inte druknar i dem ;) Kramis!

Svar: Det där var ju ett smart talesätt/quote som jag inte har hört förut! Kanske jag ska ta med det vidare som i åtanke. Så tack! Kram!
Rebecca Nyman

2014-09-18 | 09:23:14

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